Davidson-Hall Families

A more complete genealogy is available on World Connect Family Trees at Rootsweb - look for the davidson_hall database

Rupert Davidson Ancestors

Thomas Davidson
Mary Anderson

Montrose, Scotland
David Davidson
Dundee, Scotland
Ann MacLaren
John Baggaley
Welshpool, Wales
Martha ?
Welshpool, Wales
Robert Wilson
Eliza Peacock
John Cranston
Margaret Cameron
Robert Davidson
1836 Dundee, Scotland -1918 York, England
Martha Bagley
1842 Welshpool, Wales -? York, England
George Peacock Wilson
1845 Armagh, Ireland -1902 Sault Ste Marie, ON
Margaret Cranston
1847 Glasgow, Scotland -1935 Sault Ste Marie, ON
Robert Bruce Davidson
1872 Leamington, England -1951 Lachine, PQ
Margaerite Elizabeth Wilson
1876 Cleriton, ON -1964 Lachine, PQ
Rupert MacLaren Davidson
1906 Shawinigan, PQ -1977 Lachine, PQ

Ancestors of Dorothy Hall

Joseph Bodfish
Tadmarton, England
Joshua Stevenson
1807 - 1846
Sheffield, England
William Bellamy
Masbrough, England
Thomas Hall
1804 - ?
Limehouse, England
Ann Hogan
1807 - ?
London, England
William John Walker
1809 - ?
Wapping, England
Elizabeth Ann Newman
1813 - 1887
? - Plaistow, England
Stephen Bodfish
1833 - ?
Tadmarton, England - ?
Eliz ?1835 - ?
Birmingham, England - ?
James Hall Stevenson
1833 - ?
Sheffield, England
Mary Ann Bellamy
Rotherham, England
Thomas George Hall
1851 Limehouse, England - 1933 Plaistow, England
Ellen Sarah Walker
1855 Poplar, England - 1901 Newcastle, England
Joseph Bodfish
1857 Birmingham, England -1919 Lachine, PQ
Emily Jane Stevenson
1857 Sheffield, England -1898 Lachine, PQ
Thomas Percy Hall
Poplar, London, England - Dorval, PQ
Nellie Bodfish
Monreal, PQ - St.Andrews East, PQ
Dorothy Eunice Hall
Lachine, PQ

Map of the Residential Locations of Many of the Ancestors shown above

This is a Google map - click on the markers to see information on who, where, and when of those that lived at the location. Some markers are hidden behind others - Zoom into markers to see the ones hidden. This is particularly true for the Halls living in London and the Davidson living in Suffield.

Many markers are placed precisely on the street and address of the ancestor's residence.. so Zoom in to see the locations.

View Davidson-Hall families location - England in a larger map

Created on ... October 31, 2010 - LDB